EDUCON Meritorious Service Award

2010 recipient is Dr. Russell D. Meier for the outstanding contributions to the administrative and
management efforts for the IEEE EDUCON conference.

Best Paper Awards

 Best Paper Awards are appointed in the following categories:

Best Student Paper

Most Innovative Paper regarding Engineering Education

2010 recipients of the Best Paper Award

 Area 1: Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education


Ranking Learner Collaboration according to their Interactions. 
Antonio R. Anaya and Jesús G. Boticario. 
Spanish University for Distance Education-UNED (Spain). 
Presenter: Antonio R. Anaya.


Three Online Neutron Beam Experiments Based on the iLab Shared Architecture. 
Kimberly DeLong, Judson Harward, Philip Bailey, James Hardison, Gordon Kohse and Yakov Ostrocsky. 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT (United States of America). 
Presenter: Kimberly DeLong.


Area 2: Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences in Engineering Education


Wireless4x4: an integrating learning experience for Telecommunications students. 
Carlos Figuera, Eduardo Morgado, David Gutiérrez-Pérez, Felipe Alonso-Atienza and Eduardo del Arco Fernández-Cano.
University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. 
Presenter: Carlos Figuera.


Development of a Wiimote-based gesture recognizer in a microprocessor laboratory course.
Alberto Lorente-Leal, Jose Angel Fernandez-Rodrigues and Juan M. Montero.
Technical University of Madrid-UPM (Spain). 
Presenter: Juan M. Montero.

Area 3: Knowledge and Competencies in Engineering


Student Internship Placements. Improving the quality of engineering internship programs. 
Rafael García-Campos and Jordi Puig-i-Bosch.
University of Girona (Spain). 
Presenter: Rafael García-Campos.


Development of a Small Radio Telescope at the Technical University of Cartagena.
José Luis Gómez-Tornero, David Cañete-Rebenaque, Fernando Daniel Quesada-Pereira and Alejandro Álvarez-Melcon.
Technical University of Cartagena-UPCT (Spain). 
Presenter: José Luis Gómez-Tornero.

Area 4: Educational Methods and Learning Mechanisms in Engineering Education


Ensure Program Quality: Assessment A Necessity. 
Mudasser F. Wyne. 
National University (United States of America). 
Presenter: Mudasser F. Wyne.


Bringing the everyday life into engineering education. 
Gert Pasman and Ingrid Mulder. 
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). 
Presenter: Gert Pasman.


Area 5: Attracting, Engaging and Retaining Human Talent to Engineering


SPIRIT - A Life-Cycle Based Gender Mainstreaming Concept at the University of Stuttgart. 
Barbara Burr, Peter Göhner, Wolfram Ressel, Wolfgang Schlicht and Sabina Jeschke. 
RWTH Aachen Universit (Germany);University of Stuttgart (Germany). 
Presenter: Barbara Burr.

Most Innovative Paper regarding Engineering Education


Game-based learning in technology management education. 
Markus Günther, Elmar Kiesling and Christian Stummer.
University of Vienna (Austria). 
Presenter: Markus Günther.


Best Student Paper


A context for programming learning based on research communities. 
Scheila Wesley Martins, António Dias Figueiredo and António José Nunes Mendes. 
University of Coimbra (Portugal). 
Student Presenter: Scheila Wesley Martins.


Web 2.0 contents for connecting learners in online Learning Network. 
Rob Koper, Danish Nadeem and Slavi Stoyanov. 
CELSTEC - Open University of Netherlands (The Netherlands). 
Student Presenter: Danish Nadeem.


Filling the gap of Information Security Management inside ITIL®: proposals for posgraduate students. 
Manuel Alonso Castro-Gil, Gabriel Díaz, Jesús M. Minguet, Elena Ruiz and Alfonso Vara. 
Spanish University for Distance Education-UNED (Spain).

(c) IEEE EDUCON 2010
Coordination: Manuel Castro - Edmundo Tovar - Michael E. Auer - Manuel Blazquez